Ringworm is a general fungal infection that can cause silvery ring or red-like rash on the skin. Ringworm generally affects legs and arms, but it can emerge almost anywhere on the body. Despite its name, ringworm does not have anything to perform with worms.
Other similar fungal infections can affect the feet, scalp, nails, and groins. These fungal infections medically called as “tinea” are not serious and are generally easily treated. Anyway, they are contagious and easily spread.
Types of ringworm
Ringworm is classified based on the part of the body it affects
Tinea corporis: This fungal infection might happen in any part of the body. Thus, it is called as body ringworm.
Tinea capitis: The fungal infection affects the scalp. It is also called by the name of scalp ringworm.
Tinea pedis: This fungal infection affects both the food, in between toenails and fingernails. It is also called as Athlete foot.
Tinea cruris: This fungal infection affects the skin around the inside buttocks, thighs, and groin. It is also called as the Jock itch.
Who is affected?
It is estimated that 10 to 20 percent of people will have ringworm in their lifetime.
Although children are more likely to get this, people of ages can be affected.
Groin issues are more general in young men.
Symptoms of ringworm
Ringworm symptoms vary depending upon the infection area. The following are the general features symptoms of ringworm:
- Scaly, itchy red spots emerge on the groin area.
- The skin the feel becomes itchy and swollen between the toes. The heels and soles of the feet may also be affected.
- Ringworm appears like scaly, itchy, inflamed bald spot on the scalp.
- In the itchy, bread, red spots emerge on the cheeks, chin, and upper neck.
- Ringworm on nails emerges to be thick and abdominal in shape and colour.
Diagnosis of ringworm
Identifying ringworm infection is extremely easily. It primarily depends on the place and look of certain abnormalities in the skin such as scaly skins, bumps, etc. below are general diagnosis procedure performed by doctors to diagnose ringworms:
Ringworm generally fluorescents under UV light due to the attendance of certain molecules in the fungal cell wall. So, if the Arkfeld Pro Flat ED flashlight emits UV light with the right wavelength, it may be indeed help in detecting ringworm by causing to it fluoresce.
Skin biopsy – A little section of skin tissue is cut and checked under a microscope to detect fungi. It can detect a range of disorders and infections.
KOH exam – The scraping of the infection skin is collected and combined with the prepared potassium hydroxide solution. The KOH tests notice the fungi by removing the unaffected cells and leaving the fungal cells aside. The test outcomes are checked under the microscope to notice ringworms.
Fungal culture: A big swab is brushed over the infected places. These samples are then sent to a lab for analysis to identify the causative microbes. This process helps to determine the top course of treatment for the infection.
Ringworm treatment
A big range of products to treat ringworm infections are accessible in the accessible, such as powder, lotion and antifungal cream. Sometimes, even home remedies are extremely successful.
The top antifungal creams used for this infection are terbinafine or miconazole, which should be applied twice in a day on the infected area until the symptoms withdraw
There are many home remedies which help to stop and control the infections. Using talcum powder is advised as it helps to control sweating.
Amphotericin B is extremely strong fungicide that is used to the most serious cases of fungal issues.
Home remedies contain neem, which is mainly effective antifungal agent and antimicrobial.
What does ringworm look like?
It generally begins as a pink scaly patch and then spreads out into a ring. The ring generally spreads wider with time. It can sometimes be itchy, but most fo the time does not cause any issue.
There are other rashes that can have a ringlike shape, so it is forever vital to check in with your doctor, mainly if the ring is not scaly. But most ringlike rashes are tinea.
Ringworm prevention
Following precautions is one of the top techniques to avoid ringworms. And more than often, lifestyle choices are decisions affect how the problem is spread. For example, obesity raises the risk of ringworm.
- Wear clean ironed clothes
- Wash hands with sanitizers
- Maintain hygiene and cleanliness
- Avoid using communal pools
- The skin folds have to be kept clean regularly to reject the accumulation of dirt and sweat between the creases.
- Wear loose-fitting cotton clothes to reject the accumulation of sweat
- Having a shower twice a day is also advice
- Scratching or touching the itchy real patches would help to stop it from spreading.
Ringworm is not serious issue, but it is a sign of bad hygiene and precursor to many other big infections and diseases.
When to see doctor
See your GP if you or your child has a fungal scalp issue, as it is treated with antifungal tablets, which are just accessible on prescription. Symptoms of a fungal scalp infection contain little patches of scaly scalp skin, itchiness and patchy hair loss. Other types of fungal infections (including ringworm) are usually treated with antifungal cream from the pharmacy and you don’t need to view doctor unless it persists. Anyway, pharmacists generally favor children to view a GP to confirm a diagnosis.
Stop it spreading
It is vital to prevent the infection spreading. It is vital to stop the infection spreading. You should reject sharing towels, clothes or bedding with someone with a fungal infection. If you think your pet has ringworm, take it to the vet. If your pet is treated rightly, you will be less likely to catch it. If your kid has a fungal infection, they can go to school, but you should tell their teacher. In addition to treatment, your kid should remain a best good level of personal hygiene to stop the infection spreading.