We all want to find love at some point in our lives so we busy ourselves getting into several relationships. We watch our friends get hurt, get dumped and get broken. No wonder there’s too many people with trust issues because even the most loving person could just be another fake. How else can you inspire the spirit of true love than by these thrilling love quotes we have compiled?
We know you are itching to see some fairy tale love spark up around you. We don’t have to wait for long.
In this collection, we share with you our best kept secrets about true love:
#1: Love is true when it gives you the freedom to be the perfect reflection of your real self, doing exactly all you’ve ever wanted to be.
#2: True love does not stifle you, it’s not a cage hiding you from the world. True love is a platform, it’s the wings that you need to fly, the fuel for your dreams.
#3: Real love is not the fluttering feeling you have in the pit of you belly, it’s that gut feeling you have that they will show up when you need them the most.
#4: A lot of people think loving someone you should make you jealous and restless but true love is where you find security, they give you no reason to doubt their loyalty.
#5: If you have to ask to be loved, if you are not their absolute attention, if they have to answer questions about their true intentions, then you are yet to find true love.
#6: Finding someone who makes you feel happy is not as important as someone who actively creates happiness around you, whose own happiness stimulates yours.
#7: True love is not just sacrifice, it’s about always finding the perfect reason to sacrifice anything for another person’s happiness, it’s consistent selflessness.
#8: They don’t just make you happy, they are a part of your dreams, your aspirations, they are not spectators in your desire to achieve your dreams. They participate in your happiness.
Powerful True And Real Love Quotes
#9: There’s so danger in loving someone who is unable to love you really. They will always take from you what they are unwilling to give, you will always give what you will never receive.
#10: Don’t ever be someone’s alternative, their second option. Love is a game of all or nothing, there’s not halfway commitment when it comes to loving someone for the rest of your life.
#11: True love is dedication to a cause, it is a willingness to fight for and protect what you have with them. If they are unwilling to fight for it, then they are just playing games.
#12: There’s an extra mile everyone has to walk to achieve their dreams in life, sometimes your journey may be rougher than others. A person that truly loves you, sees this journey and is willing to go the extra mile with you.
#13: Where love stops is where true love begins. There are those who were never meant to be part of your life but you didn’t wait enough to find the one who would forever be a part of your life.
#14: There’s too much regrets and pain in some relationships that you wonder why bother even try. If it hurts so much that you can’t breath then it’s not true love.
#15: Find that person who would take of their coat for you, carry you on their shoulders, give you their handkerchief, cuddle and talk all night.
#16: True love is not what you feel while having an orgasm, it has very little to do with your sexual needs and more to do with your heart needs. There’s a gap only that person can fill.
Inspirational True And Real Love Quotes & Saying
#17: Those who truly love you would be willing to bear with your excesses even when it irritates them, they are able to tolerate you because they love you more than the anger they feel.
#18: Forgiveness is not negotiable, real love doesn’t take all the time in the world to forgive. If you have to suffer so much for them to forgive you, then it’s not true love.
#19: True love is consistent, never faltering decision to be with you, to walk with you, to be a part of you. It does not fluctuate based on slight differences and arguments.
#20: It shouldn’t take forever to know if they want you in their life, it’s not rocket science. True love is not as complex as most people make it out to be.
#21: If you want to know if they truly love you, then pay attention to their actions when you have nothing to offer. It’s easier to read people when they have nothing to gain.
#22: Being with someone who makes you feel unwanted is the greatest injustice you can ever do to yourself, there’s someone out there that would do anything to have you.
#23: Real love waits. Patience is a virtue and a gift that we only give to those we truly care about, this is the simplest way to know if someone truly loves you. They are never impatience with you.
#24: The greatest gift you can give anyone is your time, this is why true love must come with a lot of quality time and attention.
#25: If they really love you, they would make time for you. There’s nothing like too much work, there are just too many people with busy schedules that do not include you.
#26: Love is magical, it makes you do things you would never have imagined you could do. True love is a lifetime pack of magic, it never ends, there’s beauty in every little moment you share.
#27: It’s easy to say the four letter words, what’s hard is living true to your words. True love only comes from those who are capable of staying true to their own words.
Now that’s a list! May love find you as you enjoy this quotes and if you think you want to be a part of other love stories around then you definitely should pass these along. There’s someone about to get some cupid shots!